Lockdown – The Best Time To Rebrand
Social media and the internet at large is currently the main source of information and entertainment across all ages. The internet is exactly the silver lining entrepreneurs and business owners should be looking to leverage. Rebranding services are in much demand. Once the economy is back online, we must be ready to generate leads, convert leads into clients, and reap profits. There is no time like the present.
Out of the 3.5 billion internet users worldwide, the estimate on the number of Indians using the internet on a daily basis is half a billion, and the number only continues to grow. On average, one spends almost three hours every day on social media. While some may argue websites are a thing of the past and Facebook and Instagram are enough for businesses to gain visibility and exposure, social media does not serve as a landing page. A landing page is the last stop in a potential consumer’s journey. The goal is to shorten the time it takes them to get to your website, and increase the time they spend on the site. Corporate rebranding must be seen as an investment, not an expense.
Brand reinvention is the need of the hour to target the right demographic. While this may not be a priority for large corporations, small to medium sized enterprises cannot afford to slack off. Get in touch with us at Alter Ego. We are a professional branding and rebranding services provider, with more than 20 years of experience in the field of advertising and Brand consulting.
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